• Welcome to Fuzztale

    The FREE easy way to understand and manage your pet's health. Keeping your pet healthy just got easier!

How it works

Keeping your pet healthy and happy can be difficult. Fuzztale makes it easy!

1. Create your pet's profile
Add a cute picture (how on earth will you choose?) and you're ready to go
2. Record what's important
Note food, medicines, behaviours or whatever's best for you and your pet
3. Review and analyse in seconds
Spot trends or symptoms easily, and share them with vets or family members

FuzzTale can help you

  • Manage weight
  • Record special diets
  • Track medication
  • Record vaccinations and procedures
  • Track exercise
  • Manage behavior
  • Highlight unusual or worrying events

About FuzzTale - Dinky's Story

Our cheeky Patterjack terrier Dinky has always been healthy, but late last year she started being lethargic, and we noticed she was not eating and drinking. Advised to keep an eye on her, we started writing down her symptoms in a book, to keep track of what was happening hour to hour as her health deteriorated. When she was finally diagnosed with pancreatitis, we realised that we would need a better way to record her food, exercise, weight and wellbeing every day in order to bring her back to health, and so FuzzTale was born.

We're currently in a test-and-learn phase. Please try our tool and send us your feedback or ideas for improvements - we would love to hear from you!

What Others Say About FuzzTale